bntranslit package for Bengali transliteration
BNTRANSLIT is a deep learning based transliteration app for Bangla word.
pip install bntranslit
- pytorch 1.7.0 or 1.7.0+
NB: No GPU Needed. Totally CPU based
Pre-trained Model
- Download bntranslit_model from here
from bntranslit import BNTransliteration
model_path = "bntranslit_model.pth"
bntrans = BNTransliteration(model_path)
word = "aami"
output = bntrans.predict(word, topk=10)
# output: ['আমি', 'আমী', 'অ্যামি', 'আমিই', 'এমি', 'আমির', 'আমিদ', 'আমই', 'আমে', 'আমিতে']
Datasets and Training Details
- We used Google Dakshina Dataset
- Thanks to AI4Bharat for providing training notebook with details explanation
- We trained Google Bangla Dakshina lexicons train datasets for 10 epochs with batch size 128, 1e-3, embedding dim = 300, hidden dim = 512, lstm, used attention
- We evaluated our trained model with Google Bangla Dakshina lexicon test data using AI4Bharat evaluation script and our evaluation results insides docs/evaluation_summary.txt