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  • Download a save already exist pretrained tokenizer which contains vocab.txt. In our case we will download sagorsarker/bangla-bert-base

      from transformers import AutoTokenizer
      bnbert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sagorsarker/bangla-bert-base")
      text = "আমি বাংলায় গান গাই।"
      # ['আমি', 'বাংলা', '##য', 'গান', 'গাই', '।']
      # save the tokenizer by the following line
      # remember the folder bangla-bert-base must created before saving
  • Create your own folder and copy special_tokens_map.json and tokenizer_config.json there. Also keep your vocab.txt file there.
  • Open tokenizer_config.json file and check if special token index match with vocab.txt special token index. If not note the token index and update index in tokenizer_config.json
  • Now load your tokenizer folder using AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained()

      from transformers import AutoTokenizer
      bnbert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("mytokenizer")
      text = "আমি বাংলায় গান গাই।"
