less than 1 minute read

You are using cuda 9.0 and want to use cuda 10.0 also. Don’t worry. Follow these steps.

NB: It’s working fine in my pc. I am not responsible for any kind of RISK.

Install cuda 10.0

  • Download cuda 10.0 from nvidia


  • Install
      cd Downloads
      sudo sh cuda-10.0.run --silent --toolkit --toolkitpath=/usr/local/cuda-10.0


  • --silent this will force installer to do everything in a silent mode without any interactive prompt. Really useful for the automation
  • --toolkit — install only the toolkit, majority of users probably indeed need only toolkit
  • --toolkitpath — this is where all the magic starts, each cuda that we’re going to install needs to be installed in its own separate folder, in our example CUDA9 is installed in /usr/local/cuda-9.0, therefore CUDA10 will be installed in /usr/local/cuda-10, CUDA9.1 can go to /usr/local/cuda-9.1 , etc

Activate cuda 10.0

inside /usr/local open terminal and remove cuda link

sudo rm -rf cuda

  • create new cuda link sudo ln -s cuda-10.0 cuda

It’s done. Now use cuda 10.0

Going back to cuda 9.0

inside /usr/local open terminal and remove cuda link

sudo rm -rf cuda

  • create new cuda link sudo ln -s cuda-9.0 cuda



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